Monday, May 23, 2016

Welcome to my blog.

This page is dedicated to my utter hatred allergic reactions towards horses, be they the normal animal kind or the human kind.

I've always been allergic to horses ever since I was a kid. In fact, most of my family has the same disorder. Weird, I know.

Whenever I come in contact with a horse (approximately 10 feet), my skin starts to itch. In more severe cases, my eyes water, my nose runs, and my throat itches. My worst experience lasted 3 days.

But I'm not only allergic to "animal horses." I also come in contact with "human horses" almost every day in my life. While they do not give me the same symptoms, they trigger negative emotions including irritation, anger, and disgust amongst many others. This blog will most often talk about my encounter with them.

I spend around 30-45 minutes inside our corporate washroom every day. I like the place: it's quiet, clean, and helps my mind relax from all the stress sources (read: horses) around me. But time after time, someone has to disturb the peace.

I hate horsies.

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